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Here the acceptance dependent on the particle energy and for different energy detection thresholds is shown.

The used geometry is the same as in Front Cooling Plate Thickness with a 1mm front cooling aluminium plate.

PRIMAUniformDiscGenerator was used to shoot electrons equally distributed on the detector. Electron energies of 100MeV, 500MeV, 1000Mev and 15000MeV were used. For each energy 10M events were generated.

For the analysis rootmacros/acceptance.C was used. Here a threshold can be set, which defines how much of the initial energy of a particle needs to be measured so that the particle is classified as detected.
The displayed position is the real position of the initial particle not the reconstructed position.

Here a few examples are shown:

Energy - Threshold Energy - Threshold Energy - Threshold
100 MeV - 0.7 100 MeV - 0.8 100 MeV - 0.9
500 MeV - 0.7 500 MeV - 0.8 500 MeV - 0.9
1000 MeV - 0.7 1000 MeV - 0.8 1000 MeV - 0.9

software/g4simulation/studies/acceptance.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 18:44 by

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