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Starting APFEL server on hadanapc2

  • Start the apfel server
agmaas@hadanapc2:~$ cd Apfel_dev/Apfel_server/
agmaas@hadanapc2:~/Apfel_dev/Apfel_server$ ./apfel_server 
ioctl claim succesful
using port 7001
  • Start the http server
agmaas@hadanapc2:~$ cd Apfel_dev/Apfel_server/web_interface
agmaas@hadanapc2:~/Apfel_dev/Apfel_server/web_interface$ python <host> <port>
starting apfel client on localhost port 7001 ...
connecting test pulse manager to apfel interface...
apfel http server is starting on localhost port 8000 ...
apfel http server is running...

NB: On a raspberrypi the servers should be started at power up on port 8080.

Web interface

Connect from a web browser to <host>:<port> where <host> and <port> is where the http server is running.

APFEL baseline adjustment

  • start daq with mbs
  • start the on daqix
  • click on Connect
  • turn off all trigger sources to mbs (light pulser? APFEL test pulses? other? look at the rate)
  • execute set stream_serv 1 on mbs
  • click autocalib all on the APFEL control gui
  • click on Adjust baselines on the P16 online analysis gui
  • watch the baselines and make the last adjustments by hands if needed
  • to save the DAC values,
    • click on read all on the APFEL control gui
    • click on Create DAC file
slowcontrol/apfel_control.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 18:44 by

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