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Starting the ASIC Chip

The steps necessary to launch the ASIC chip are described here.

Starting at the HadanaPC3, connect to the DEPC002, and from there to the rio4-1:

 agmaas@hadanapc3:~$ ssh mbsdaq@
 mbsdaq@depc002:~$ ssh rio4-1

Now you open the folder hit_mainz/, where the folders HitDetection2Cmd/ and HitDetectionMBS/ are:

 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > cd hit_mainz/

In two terminals open the two new folders:

 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > cd HitDetection2Cmd/
 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > cd HitDetectionMBS/

FPGA as clock

Next you need to start the clock for the ASIC chip. A FPGA-board is used as the clock. To turn on the FPGA-board, flip the switch on the front right side of the board. The FPGA-board is programmed from the HadanaPC4. There will be in the Folder /home/agmass/KCU105/lvds_clk a lvds_clk.xpr file.

 agmaas@hadanapc4:~$ cd KCU105/
 agmaas@hadanapc4:~ /KCU105 ls
 agmaas@hadanapc4:~ /KCU105 cd lvds_clk
 agmaas@hadanapc4:~ /KCU105/lvds_clk$ vivado18

This will start the GUI to operate the FPGA. Select directly or first navigate to the lvds_clk project and open it. Now in the bottom left open the hardware manager and open “target” in the top middle and press auto connect. If the xcku040_0 shows “not connected”, right click on it and choose program device and confirm with program.


Now turn on the power supply for the chip.

On the HadanaPC3 navigate to the setup_chip.txt file on the desktop and copy the first line into the terminal where you open the HitDetection2Cmd/

 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > InitHitDet -a=8 --direct --init --peer=0f --rate=4 --scramble=1

In the terminal in the bottom left execute the last command. This will start the GUI for the measurements:

 mbsdaq@depc002:~/dabc/trunk$ export HTPORT=8119;
 mbsdaq@depc002:~/dabc/trunk$ export REMNODE=rio4-1;
 mbsdaq@depc002:~/dabc/trunk$ ${DABCSYS}/bin/dabc_exe ${DABCSYS}/plugins/mbs/app/web-mbs-gui-remote.xml

The link will be found here:


In the terminal where HitDetectionMBS/ was opened, we perform a reset and wait 3 seconds for a second reset. After that we connect with the GUI and then start the data acquisition:

 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > resl
 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > resl
 RIO4-1 mbsdaq > mbs -dabc

To see the raw data, execute the command:

 ty ev -v
hitdetection/starting_the_chip.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 18:44 by

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