Table of Contents
Old notes for the mould
Controlling loop
There is temperature ramp prepared which controls the heating power of all four heaters between 0 and 100% depending on the Temperatur read on C1.
Run inside a screen session:
Code can be found here: https://gitlab.rlp.net/bes3-mainz/mogon-testbench/snippets/497
Bare metal controlling of the heaters
HINT: Better use the web interface to get the status and set the heaters power: http://localhost:10001/status.php#page1
Control the heaters be writing them a value in the range 0.00
and 1.00
mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer<Dimmer ID 1..4>/set' -m <brightness 0..1.0>
mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer4/set' -m 0.75
Get the status
mosquitto_sub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer1' -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer2' -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer3' -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer4' -v
Switch on all 4 heaters:
mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer1/set' -m 1; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer2/set' -m 1; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer3/set' -m 1; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer4/set' -m 1; echo "done"
Switch off all 4 heaters:
mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer1/set' -m 0; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer2/set' -m 0; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer3/set' -m 0; mosquitto_pub -h mould-control -t 'homie/fsrcontrol/heater/dimmer4/set' -m 0; echo "done"
hardware/mould/attic.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 18:44 by