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module location: 0xAAAA0000

CAEN High Voltage (VME Crate) (negative high voltage): start “server” on vme-pc:

  1. ssh to vme crate: $ ssh vmepc
  2. agmaas@vmic1:~$ cd HV_CAEN/HV/WebHV/
  3. start the programm on VME crate: agmaas@vmic1:~/GEM_Proto/HV/WebHV$ ./SYMBhv -c HVconfig_basel.conf

start the gui on hadanapc5:

  1. $ ssh hadanapc5
  2. agmaas@hadanapc5:~$ cd ~/personal_dirs/sahra/beamtime24/vme/HV
  3. $ source
  4. $ cd build-HVgui/
  5. $ ./HVgui

You can save the channel configuration and labels. HV is not turned off, if the gui is closed.


Module location: 0x00a00000

Set the thresholds:

  1. ssh to vme crate: $ ssh vmepc
  2. agmaas@vmic1:~$ cd CFD
  3. write the desired thresholds in the config: config.txt
  4. set the thresholds: agmaas@vmic1:~/CFD$ ./cfd_control

Threshold scan together with scaler: Scaler V775, Module location: 0x00CC0000

  1. start the scaler before doing the threshold scan:$ /home/agmaas/Scaler_1000mus/src/scaler 32 <dwell time [s]>“
  2. to start the threshold scan: agmaas@vmic1:~/CFD/threshold_scan$ ./threshold_scan <threshold interval [mV]> <points per threshold [int]> <dwell time [s]>
beamtimes/2024/vme.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/14 12:44 by himuser

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