A1 june 2018 beamtime setup and operation is described.
In order to set it up you need the following parts:
Top D-Sub cable and front 8 black cable bunch belongs to CFD-BRD:0 (front (vertical) scintillator plane), bottom D-Sub cable and back 8 black cable bunch belongs to CFD-BRD:1 (back (horizontal) scintillator plane). This is depicted in picture_1.png.
The black signal cables are connected to the CFD-Boards as follows: The numbers on the cables (“Phase Zero”) correspond to the numbers in the PhaseZero Box (cf. picture_2.jpg or picture_4.png) and are then assigned to specific CFD-channels. For example: CFD-BRD:0: Signal cable with number 6 (front scintillator plane) is connected to CFD-Channel 0, signal cable with number 4 is connected to CFD-Channel 5.
Supply and HDMI cable of CFD-BRD:0 belong to channel 0 on the crates back side. Analogously, CFD:BRD:1 is connected.
The socket connection belongs to the crate. The ethernet jack is on the crates back side between the HDMI jacks.
The logical signals (width ca. 30 ns) are coming out at the crates front side and need Lemo cables (cf. picture_3.jpg). The top jack is the logical AND and the second top jack the logical OR between the two scintillator planes. The third top jack is the logical OR of CFD-BRD:0, e.g. of the first scintillator plane. So if a signal origins in any of the four vertical scintillator stripes, a logical signal is created. Analogously with the bottom jack for CFD-BRD:1, e.g. back scintillator plane.
In order to start the operation, the “TaggerControl” software needs to be started (located on the Dell laptop on the desktop in the folder “TaggerPowersupply”).
Click on “Connection” and if the correct IP is set on “Connect”. In the IP-Fire the IP of the crate we are using is set to In case you do not know which IP the crate has you can use the “IP scanner”. The connection light in the main software is green, if the connection is on (the other light we do not care about, because we do not use all functions of the A2 Towers/CFD-Boards).
In order to adjust SiPM supply voltage, CFD-threshold or CFD-offset, click on the corresponding buttons in the A2 software. Doing so, opens a new window with an “Overview”. Clicking on “Module 0 - 1” shows some input fields where you can enter values. The channel numbers inside the software correspond to the CFD-channel. In case you want to set different values on different scintillator stripes follow the assignment given in picture_4.png. Right clicking on the white space gives the possibility to set all values at once. If a input field has a yellow background, the value is not set yet.
Suggested values are:
To turn the SiPM supply voltage/HV on, click on the HV button in the main software.