$ ls
, name of vxi11 should be green. If not, run $ sudo chmod +x vxi11
$ python3 main.py
, which is the waiting time between measurement cycles and IP = “”
, which is the ip address of the Keysight module$ python3 single_readout.py
start server on VME PC:
$ ssh 192. 168.10.11
$ cd ~/GEM_Proto/HV/WebHV/
$ ./SYMBhv -c HVconfig_CFD.conf
open a new terminal and start the GUI on hadanapc5:
$ cd ~/VME/HV_CAEN/build-HVgui
$ ./HVgui
Now the GUI window opens. Channel 2 and 3 are currently used for the scintillators. Set the trip current to 30 muA and set the max Voltage to 1500 V. Turn up the voltage to 1300 V, now you should be able to see signals.
also on VME PC:
$ cd ~/CFD
$ ./cfd_control
start Scaler on VME PC:
$ cd ~/Scaler_1000mus/src
$ ./scaler <number of channels> <Dwell time [s]>
. This file is rewritten every time, so this is not meant for storing the data!also on VME PC:
cd QDC_v965
the QDC needs a gate to start measuring something!!