====== Simulation Studies ====== Some simulation studies have already been conducted.\\ **Relative Energy Resolution:**\\ The effect of different cooling types and thicknesses on the relative energy resolution can be seen here: * [[software:g4simulation:studies:first_cooling_studies|First Cooling Studies]] * [[software:g4simulation:studies:front_cooling_plate|Front Cooling Plate]] The simulated data can be found here [[https://seafile.rlp.net/#group/43/lib/5dd1331f-9972-4e65-9c84-cc84939e5c82/PrimaSoftSimulation]] or on himster (/lustre/miifs05/scratch/him-emp/sahra/prima/). \\ The relative energy resolution for every crystal is obtained by filling a histogram for every crystal and plotting the novosibirsk function. See ''/primasoft/geant4/rootmacros/energy_res.C''. \\ When the rootmacro is executed, a .txt file is produced, where the energy resolution for every crystal is stored. For visualisation purposes, a python script was written (''/primasoft/geant4/rootmacros/python/energy_res.py'').\\ **Acceptance:**\\ The acceptance for different incoming particle energies with different thresholds was studied, see [[software:g4simulation:studies:acceptance|Acceptance]].\\ Therefore the rootmacro ''/primasoft/geant4/rootmacros/acceptance.C'' was used. The rootmacro already outputs a 3d histogram for the acceptance.