**Steps for setting up slow control:** The purpose of this page is to list instructions to create a docker container containing all the tools required to run a slow control system. EPICS is the back-end. It keeps track of the process variables and Handels the communication between the slow control computer and the components of a scientific experimental setup over Local network. Node-RED is the front-end. It interacts with EPICS using EPICS-Python interface. With Node-RED 'flows' and GUI are created. The following steps are for reference. If the intention is to just set up a slow control without having to go through underlying details, then execute step one and skip to the last command on this page. **1. Installing docker on ubuntu**: Open terminal in ubuntu and run the following commands. $ curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh $ sudo sh get-docker.sh **2. Setup a ubuntu container** $ docker run --it --network host --name slow_control ubuntu bin/bash Containers are usually completely isolated from the host system. But containers with '--network host' tag share the host network. **Note:** '$' symbol is used to represent host terminal. '#' symbol is used to represent terminal inside the container. **3. Access terminal inside the container** $ docker exec -it slow_control bin/bash **4. Install epics using the script on [[epics:autoinstall|autoinstall]] page** The downloaded script should be copied into the container. Open another terminal window on the host and execute the following command. docker cp |- : **5. install Node.js** # curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - # sudo apt-get install -y nodejs **5. Install Node-RED** # sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red Now the basic set up is complete **6. create an account in docker-hub https://hub.docker.com/signup and create a repository named "slow_control" **7. Sign into docker using the same account $ docker login (you will be prompted form username and password). **8. Create an image of the container that has been created in the previous steps.** $ docker commit slow_control (you will see a series of alpha-numeric characters after executing this command, this is called a 'tag') Assign a name to the image $ docker slow_control:v1 **9. Upload the image to repository that was created in step 6** $ docker push /slow_control:v1 Now the image slow_control:v1 can be pulled to any computer and a container can be setup. All the prerequisite are present in this container. The following command can be executed to setup a container which has already been created. $ docker run --it --network host --name slow_control ravigmathim/slow_control:v1.2 bin/bash The 'v1.2' in the 'ravigmathim/slow_control:v1.2' refers to version. It may change.