====== APFEL/HV raspberry pi====== Stand: 18/8/2021 === Configuration === * Start with a raspbian image * Set up a user with username: ''pi'', and password: standard ''agmaas'' password * To enable the I2C bus and set the correct frequency, uncomment the following line from ''/boot/config.txt'' dtparam=i2c_arm=on and modify it to dtparam=i2c_arm=on,i2c_arm_baudrate=400000 === Software installation === * Create a directory ''/home/pi/apfel_dev'' * In that directory clone the following repositories * ''https://gitlab.rlp.net/emp/apfel_interface'' * ''https://gitlab.rlp.net/emp/hv_control'' * Compile with ''make'' both repositories * Add the following lines to ''/etc/rc.local'' /home/pi/apfel_dev/hv_control/start_hv.sh /home/pi/apfel_dev/apfel_interface/scripts/start_apfel.sh * Add the following lines to ''/home/pi/.bashrc'' HVDIR=$HOME/apfel_dev/hv_control APFELDIR=$HOME/apfel_dev/apfel_interface alias watch_hv='$HVDIR/watch_hv.sh' alias start_hv='$HVDIR/start_hv.sh' alias watch_apfel='$APFELDIR/scripts/watch_apfel.sh' alias start_apfel='$APFELDIR/scripts/start_apfel.sh' * Reboot the pi to see if everything worked. On startup, the APFEL and HV control programs should be started === Service scripts === * Through the aliases **''watch_hv''** and **''watch_apfel''**, it is possible to see the output of the respective servers. The log files to which the servers write to are: /home/pi/apfel_dev/hv_control/hvlog.{out,err} /home/pi/apfel_dev/apfel_interface/apfellog.{out,err} * The servers can be killed and restarted through the aliases **''start_hv''** and **''start_apfel''**. * Without arguments, the scripts check if there are running server processes and if so exit with an output like: n. of server processess: 2 n. of watch processess: 2 processes running, kill first * To kill the processes, call the aliases with the argument ''-kill'' (e.g. ''start_hv -kill''). * **Only for ''start_apfel''**, it is possible to start the server with the verbose flag set by invoking the alias with ''start_apfel -v''.