======Logbook Webmask====== All files in "guest@daqix:/home/guest/ExSetup_Logserver". The webmask makes use of pythons simpleHTTPServer. To start the server go to the folder mentioned above and execute "python ExSetup_LogServer.py port" in a shell and the server will start. If you omit the port, the server will start at port 8383 (ports below 1024 require root permissions!). To start the server, type guest@daqix:/home/guest/ExSetup_Logserver/python ExSetup_LogServer.py port where port is an optional port. Once this is executed, the server runs (If the port is omitted, the server will start at port 8383. Ports below 1024 require root permissions!). To open the webmask the webserver needs to be running. Open "" (or substitue “8383” with the port which you chose at starting the webserver). If you (re-) load this page, the settings of "Ex_Setup_defaults.txt" and the scaler channel names of "Scaler_Channel_names.txt" are loaded into the webmasks. Clicking on "Make Logbook Entry" saves the settings in "Ex_Setup.txt" and also makes an entry in the EMP-elog which also contains the settings. EMP-elog copies "Ex_Setup.txt" into the run directory automatically when a run is started. This is done by "guest@daqix:/home/guest/luigi/Dama/logserver/logserver2.py" which uses "guest@daqix:/home/guest/LogScripts/archiverExSetup.py". Clicking on "Save Scaler Data" saves scaler data in "/data/proto16/beamtimepath/Logbook_Webmask_extras/Scaler*time*.txt" using "archiverScaler_mod.py" and makes an entry in the EMP-elog which also contains the scaler data and channel names. Clicking on "Save Settings and Scaler Data!" executes the two other buttons at once. In case you want to change the directories (e.g. new beamtime) you only need to modify "ExSetup_LogServer.py" (change "beamtime_month", "beamtime_year" and "CURR_BEAMTIME_DIR").