====== Beamtime Jan 2018 ====== * elog entries: https://him-elog-01.him.uni-mainz.de/Beamtime+January+2018/page1 ==== Nitrogen ==== Please check the nitrogen pressure twice a day! Approximately 50 bar per day are used. The bottles are placed in the detector lab in the A1 ground floor. ^ Pres /bar ^ date ^ | 105 | 31.01. 15:55 | | 75 | 1.2. 10:00 | | 50 | 2.2. 00:01 | | 48 | 2.2. 04:00 | | 175 | 4.6. 17:10 | | 150 | 5.6. 13:00 | | 100 | 6.6. 20:00 | | 100 | 6.6. 22:15 | | 85 | 7.6. 05:10 | | 65 | 7.6. 15:45 | | 55 | 7.6. 20:00 | | 40 | 8.6. 01:20 | | 35 | 8.6. 04:05 | | 29 | 8.6. 06:45 | | 20 | 8.6. 10:45 | | new | bottle | | 210 | 8.6. 13:45 | ==== General Overview ==== Beam test 31/1 – 5/2/2018: ===1 Get beam=== - start with smallest current (1 nA) - if event rate too high: install picoamperemeter ===2 Preparation with C, 1.5 GeV, smallest angle=== For each setting: * measure rates * take spectrum (look at gamma and e spectra) Steps: - set up coincidence between EMC and scintillator - increase beam current up to 100 nA in various steps -> find appropriate current value - change thresholds - move prototype with the xy table - set up coincidence with spectrometer A ===3 HV and energy calibration (plastic target)=== - recognise one or more energy peaks * elastic on C (nucleus) * elastic on H * inelastic on H in coinc. with spec. A - adjust HV - change angle or spec. A settings for changing the peak energy ===4 Total rate and global spectrum with Ta=== - vary beam current -> find appropriate value - threshold scan at the smallest angle - vary scattering angles ===5 Identify pi0 events (measuring gammas)=== - use second scintillator at different angles for electrons - set up triple coincidence - change spec. A polarity to measure electrons - set up coincidence with spec. A - measure gamma spectrum changing angle and spectrometer settings (measure end-point of the gamma spectrum) - try different targets C,CH2,Ta ===6 Measurements with 855 MeV=== - change beam energy (until Friday noon!) - increase beam current to appropriate value - repeat measurements for energy calibration - repeat measurements for total rate - repeat measurements for pi0 event identification